Thursday, July 2, 2009


Can't believe we're nearing the July 4 weekend. When I was young, it always seemed like that was the halfway point of summer.

Now, since the kids don't even get out of school until mid-June, it seems like the summer has barely begun yet. It feels like we need to shift our summer fun into high gear or miss out on so much.

Of course, we have much left to do--swimming (if the weather ever cooperates), a Madison Mallards baseball game, grilling out, picnics, park time with friends.

And of course, this weekend--fireworks and sparklers. Kids can't wait to get to Grandma M's house and hang out in the city pool down the road from her.

JoJo's baseball season wrapped up--a little earlier than expected. The team finished the season in third place, but lost in the season-ending tournament to the 6th place team. Not a big deal because he had a great time this season. And we actually ended up with an entire Sunday with no plans.

JJ finished soccer and started his baseball season. His first game was last week. He did great and it was so fun to watch him out there. Who'd guess that he had such a rough start to life.

Remember what you used to do in the summer? Ours was a neighborhood of activity. Biking, baseball, hide-and-seek, statue. All games we played with all the kids in the neighborhood--mostly boys! Summer was great and seemed to last way longer than the three months it really was. And the whole time school seemed to be so far away. Then, suddenly we were shopping for school supplies and clothes. My goal is to hold off the school shopping until the final weeks. We'll see if we can cram a ton of fun in before that!

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