Friday, July 31, 2009

Tummy tuck

JJ is getting a tummy tuck this week.

Or maybe we say he's getting his belly piercing undone?

Either way, it's a big week. After 7 years, we're taking him in to have the opening (fistula is the official word) from his G-tube closed. For good. Wow, for so many years I was afraid to even imagine this ever happening.

But it's been a year since his g-tube button was taken out (ok, it actually fell out during a summer field trip last year, not exactly planned). And it had been about a year before that since we'd last used it. But his stomach didn't exactly seal off the opening completely as expected. So now nice Dr. Lund will be doing the short surgical procedure to close it off.

Wow. Just like so much in JJ's life, we can't believe we've gotten him to this point. He's handled four heart surgeries, multiple cardiac caths, plus assorted other tests, scans, pokes and more--all in his short life. This is a good step. Of course he's terrified because he doesn't really remember all those other things. And I think he feels like that button and this opening are as much a part of him as his thumb.

But in just a few days, that extra belly button as we call it will be gone. A small step. But really a huge leap for him. He's gone from hardly eating to consuming handfuls of Oreos in a single sitting. Of course, he's still small--around 37 pounds and 42 inches. But every inch and pound is so well earned.

So Wednesday when you're going about your day, give a minute to sending good thoughts and prayers our way that all goes well during the surgery. He'll still be intubated and under anesthesia, so anything could happen. But with luck and God's will, he'll zoom right through and we'll be outta there on Thursday--minus that spare belly button.

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